Good evening and it's been a WON-derful day. First of all our daughter flew up last night from Fla. to accompany her hubby on a business trip to California. So while he was at work, she spent the day with us. They're leaving early in the morning, and will return on Sunday. Then she has to fly back to Fla on Wed. so maybe we can have Mon & Tues to enjoy her. I did get 2 outings today, one of which I got out of the car. Well, our area has really needed rain badly, and we woke up to thunder this morning. It has rained - either a gentle soak or a good pour - most of the day. When I decided to go out for lunch with DH & DD, it was just drizzly. I get in the car in our garage, so my slowness in maneuvering with this big boot wasn't a problem. DH pulled up to the restaurant door, and I was able to push the walker & hop-slide into the restaurant, since it has a fairly flat entry. So we eat, then we have to exit to the car. By now it's pouring. DH brings the car around, DD gets the cardoor open, holds the restaurant door, while I slowly maneuver myself into the backseat. I got wet, but they both got drenched. I enjoyed lunch, but I sure would have reconsidered had I known the 2 of them would get so wet. DD had to leave to go pick up her hubby and go to their house up here. Our power went off. We have a natural gas generator that ties into our natural gas system in the area, so our main floor power stays on...for a minimum of things the air conditioning, the microwave, refrigerator, some lights. The basement was not set up for that as we wanted our main living area to be powered. Let me tell you, a basement, with ground level, small windows, gets VERY dark when no lights are on, and it's getting on towards dusk. After a little while of reading the kindle - which has a battery powered light - I decided I might try to navigate the stairs. Thought I could do the good foot, drag bad foot, but that didn't feel too cool, so I just sat down on the step, and bumped up...15 steps!!! The stairs come into our laundry room, then into the house proper. So at the top of the stairs, I grabbed the counter of the laundry sink with my left hand, and DH got underneath my arms, and hoisted me up. I propped on one leg, holding onto the counter, while he ran downstairs to bring up the walker. Now, I can sit in a different recliner...which was nice. Took off the boot for the first time. I slept in it last night, as I have to make many bathroom trips. Was concerned I'd either get up half-asleep, not think to put it on, or not be able to fasten it by myself. So it's been on, since the nurse put me in it yesterday. The dr. had said I can take it off when I'm sitting or sleeping, and I can take it off to shower. Well, then DH asks if I wanted to try to shower in our master bath. It's a big shower, but you have 2 'ledges' to get over to get into the shower. There's a 'drip pan' entry, then you step into the shower, which has a seat in it. (More on that in a minute). We do have a very strong safety bar in both our main floor showers...thinking ahead when we built this house. (Wish I'd thought to have a roll in shower!). Anyway, with much effort on DH's part, we got me in the shower, sitting on the seat. Now this seat seems pretty large, until I got my behind on it! I MUST have been a lot skinnier when we built this house 10 yrs ago! Felt like I was about to slide off it when it got wet, so I hung onto the safety bar with one hand, braced my good foot while holding the bad one up, soaped up with one hand. This shower has 2 heads, one of which has a long hose (for cleaning the shower, but it worked good for cleaning ME too!). DH got in & was gonna take his shower while keeping an eye on me. I could just picture me falling, him trying to help me get up, slide down himself, and then the EMT's have to come in to rescue 2 wet naked seniors! I got to giggling at the image, DH wanted to know what was so funny - and he didn't think THAT was too amusing either!!! Anyway, I'm staying upstairs tonight, and I was able to get back on my regular pc, instead of the laptop. Hope I gave you a chuckle at the mental imagery....See you again soon. Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to post some cards again. Thanks for stopping in.
Hello Bloggers. Oh Happy Day! I got my cast off today, the dr. was very pleased with my healing. Now I have a plastic boot, which goes on with velcro. It feels heavier than the cast did, but perhaps that is just because it is something different. The cast felt heavy at first also,but I got accustomed to moving around with it, holding my leg up. I can put weight on the foot now, as long as I have the boot on. I can take the boot off when I'm sitting or sleeping. As yet, I've only taken a few steps with the boot, holding onto the walker. I had to get a thick soled shoe (a tennis shoe) on the opposite foot, so I don't throw something out of whack, as I'd be very unbalanced in just a sock foot with the boot on the other foot. I did manage to get part way to the bathroom this evening, again holding onto the walker, sort of a hop-slide motion with my feet. Then I decided, "Oh better get me down in the walker", so I rolled the remaining distance. Next time, I'll try to take a few more steps, get a bit further. At least now when I shower, I don't have to bag & tape. The dr. said I'm ok to get in the shower without the boot on, but that's the only time I can have any weight on the foot sans boot. I'm so thankful I've done well, and I'm sure my DH is even more thankful than I, that this is coming to an end. I was told I could go up the stairs to our main floor if I felt up to doing so. I didn't this evening, and don't think I will for a few days yet. If I get upstairs, I may not be able to get back downstairs, and all my 'toys' are down here. DH would have to lug them all upstairs, and some of them he couldn't! So ya'll have a wonderful week, and thanks for visiting.
Happy Friday! Today was another outing day. DH asked if I felt up to a little ride to my favorite stamping store (Scrapbook Creations in Spartanburg, SC - about 45 minutes away from where we live). I expect my eyes rolled a bit, as I was surprised he wanted to take me 'shopping'. This lovely store also has a great cafe, so I suspect he really had an ulterior motive (not to worry about what to fix for lunch!). But whatever, I didn't wait to be asked twice. Scrambled to get into some regular clothes, as I've been wearing what I call a 'floater' type of garment while recuperating. Makes life much easier. We had a pleasant drive up to Scrapbook, and DH helped me out of the car, into the walker, then into the store. Fortunately it has a flat entrance so I didn't have to try to bump the walker up any steps. The store was holding a couple of things that I had ordered a few weeks ago, which came in while I've been incapacitated. I was happy to be able to pick them up, along with some shimmer sheetz and Elizabeth Craft rub-ons that I use for the Ritz Glitter cards. I was being super careful to avoid bumping into a display & spill everything as I rolled around in the walker . After a fast shopping trip in a small part of the store, we had a delicious lunch, drove back home, and I was quiet ready to get back in the chair & elevate my foot.
On Wednesday I received the most delightful package from my blogging friend, Candee, of She had a post about a super deal at her local A C Moore on Darice embossing folders. I had made a comment about how lucky she is - she's always finding bargains! - so she very kindly made a trip back to the store, and got some of the folders for me. It was very much like Christmas in July when I opened the package, and got to see all the goodies. I LOVE embossing folders. How kind is that for someone to do for you??? I was so pleased.
Anyway, I have 2 1/2 more days in the present cast, and I see the orthopedic doctor on Monday afternoon. Can't wait! So thanks for dropping in, and ya'll have a wonderful weekend. Catch you later.
On Wednesday I received the most delightful package from my blogging friend, Candee, of She had a post about a super deal at her local A C Moore on Darice embossing folders. I had made a comment about how lucky she is - she's always finding bargains! - so she very kindly made a trip back to the store, and got some of the folders for me. It was very much like Christmas in July when I opened the package, and got to see all the goodies. I LOVE embossing folders. How kind is that for someone to do for you??? I was so pleased.
Anyway, I have 2 1/2 more days in the present cast, and I see the orthopedic doctor on Monday afternoon. Can't wait! So thanks for dropping in, and ya'll have a wonderful weekend. Catch you later.
Hello, and thanks for stopping by. After a very quiet weekend, I was ready for a little fresh air today. DH had to make a run to our local recycling center, so I thought I'd ride along, just to get out of the house. It's 14 days tomorrow, and I fear I may be developing some cabin fever. We got me out to the garage, with DH helping the walker roll over the outer door threshold (thicker and wider than the interior thresholds going from room to room). Then we had to figure out how to get me up into an SUV passenger seat, over a running board, w/out me putting my sore foot down (which I did unthinkingly last night when getting a shower. Ouch!) By grabbing the handhold on doorframe and DH boosting from behind, we got me in. Oh, I can't say how great it felt to get outside, see the sky & trees, etc, and feel some fresh air. (Yes it was VERY HOT fresh air, but lovely just the same...for a few minutes! Then the a/c had to go on). Did the recycle bit, then went to one of our favorite local hotdog places & had some lunch. Of course ours had to be takeout, which we enjoyed in the car, with the a/c running. No way was I going to try to get into the restaurant. Then we came back home, and I was quite content to roll back to my roost, get my leg elevated, and take a little rest. I have to say, sometimes it's good to be reminded that we (speaking for myself of course) need to stop & think about how grateful we should be to be able to move about freely, on our own steam. I've always tried to be considerate of those who deal with physical limitations, but you just don't really think about it - until you HAVE to think about it. I'm so grateful to the One Who has blessed me with living my life the way I have for as long as I have. Many thanks to Him. So all have a nice Monday, and enjoy your week.
Good morning, can't believe it is Saturday already (again!). Been a quiet week around our place. DH still doing the TLC bit, and I'm getting more coordinated in the use of the rolling walker. Have been trying to do some light arm & leg exercises. (Leg exercises important to prevent blood clots from forming due to so much sitting). We have some 2 & 3 lb dumbbells so DH hunted those up, as well as some stretchy ties that we've gotten at various physical therapy sessions each of us have had. When I get very bored, I go through a set of arm/leg exercises. Also get on the laptop, and look around to see what is going on in the card making world. Had thought to get my first cast off yesterday, but the appt got changed to the 30th, so that was disappointing. On a positive note, I have been able to sleep 2 nights in the basement bedroom, so that relieved my back from the constant sitting in the recliner. Even though it is a very comfortable recliner, still, my back gets tired (sounds silly I expect!). So I am just trying to continue to be a good patient, be appreciative of my special caregiver, and be comtent with my recovery process period. I keep reminding myself "It was YOUR decision to do this". It may be a while still before I have any cards to post. So have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for visitng.
Thanks for popping in on a late Sunday evening. It's been a quiet (and thankfully, uneventful) day. DH is taking good care of me, bringing meals downstairs, some snacks, plenty of liquids. I've finally gotten the hang of levering myself up out of the recliner and hopping on my right foot to seat myself into the walker. Then I can roll to the bathroom. Once again, manage to stand on one foot, hop around to where I can sit down on the toilet. This walker with wheels is really a unique piece of equipment. My hat's off to whomever designed it. Taking a shower is a real event - and I am a person who always has at least one shower daily, sometimes more depending on what it is that I've been doing. If I say I've had 2 showers since Tuesday, that may give a clue as to how much of a chore it is to get a bath! (Baby wipes are WUN-DA-FUL!) I have to keep my weight totally off my left foot, and also keep that lower leg dry; I have a bandage-cast type contraption on it, then the whole is covered with an ace bandage. The post op instructions to keep it dry, were in huge black letters. So we cover it with a big garbage bag that has a tie closure, which is then taped shut. Our shower has a 'lip-type' of ledge that I can't hop across, so it's a delicate maneuver to get me from the walker into the shower without falling or accidentally putting my left foot down. We put one of those molded plastic yard chairs into the shower, with the back facing the shower head. We have a seat in the shower, but if I sat on that, my left leg would have to be inside the shower, getting wet. With the chair positioned as we have it, I can let my left leg hang outside the shower. I soap up all I can reach easily, then rinse off. So far, that's not a problem. THEN comes the bits I can't reach sitting down, and that's when we get water all over the floor. DH helps me to a standing position, trying to hold onto me while I soap and rinse. Gotta tell you, so far the bathing has been the hardest part of this procedure! I was so lucky in the outpatient center...had the best nurses who kept checking on me constantly, were so friendly & caring. I like the doctor too. It always helps the recovery process in my opinion, if you have good experiences with the folks who are responsible for you. I try to be a considerate patient too, not be too demanding. I also try to do everything I am instructed to do, to the best of my ability. Well, that's it for tonight...Hope I didn't bore you with too many details. And a big thank you for the cards & emails I've received. You can't know how much it made my day. Catch you later, and have a great week.
Hello and Happy Friday evening. We had a much needed rainy day, & since I am inside, pretty much sitting on my duff, it didn't bother me one bit that it was a gloomy rainy day. Sometimes gray weather can get me down. I've learned that I am a person who needs sunshine. Have my laptop downstairs with me downstairs in the basement, and even though my laptop doesn't have all my favorite blogs bookmarked, it's helped me pass the time the past few days. Surgery went well, and things have not been too bad. So far the worst thing has been trying to get a shower last night. I'm sure anyone watching us, would have laughed themselves silly. But I did get cleaned, felt much better afterward, even though I was worn out. Received the most lovely card from my blog friend Candee today, and many well wishing emails. Thanks so much to all of you for them. They are very much appreciated. I am awestruck, sometimes, at the kindness of people. So that's it for now...maybe in a few weeks I can post some more pictures. In the meantime, when I feel like doing so, I'm using copics to color up some stamped images. Trying to work on some Christmas things...I'm always behind. Thanks for stopping in to visit, and have a wonderful weekend. See ya next time.
Good afternoon, and thanks for visiting. I am scheduled to have Achilles Tendon repair on 7/10 in the early afternoon, so I'm getting a post prepared now. I'm hoping to stamp up a bunch of images to color, as I will be totally off my feet for 2 wks, then on restricted walking for the next 4 wks. I am a klutz by nature, so crutches were out (I'd do even more damage!). I plan to bunk in our basement area, where all my stamp stuff is, a nice big screen tv with our dvr and all my old recorded movies. Also I have 15 stairs to navigate to get to our 'main floor', so the basement will be a better option post-surgery. Dr. said I could always bump on up the steps on my backside, to keep the weight off my foot! :-)
Got my kindle loaded with books, plus some 'real books' I've bought, not yet read. Nice big recliner to sleep in (won't be too easy to get in the bed with a boot cast according to the dr). DH carried a computer chair downstairs this afternoon, so if I can get from the recliner to the chair, I can roll myself to the bathroom. Taking my laptop downstairs too, so I can't think of any other playtoys I might need to amuse myself with. However, I won't be able to stand at the desk to make cards!!! (at least I doubt I shall!). I have a chair at the desk, but ...alas, I can't sit & stamp. I have to stand. Weird I know...but true. If the laptop works like it is supposed to, I can blog-surf. The keyboard feels so different from the regular pc keyboards, we fight a lot!!! KBoard usually wins. Also I'm not very dextrous with the touchpad on it, and have a USB mouse, but I need to think of what I can use as a solid surface to use on which to move the mouse about. After getting frustrated with the touchpad in the center of the keyboard, we bought this little mousie, and it works great. Anyway, I probably won't be posting much for a time...would appreciate a little prayer headed my way should you have time and think of it. I'm scheduling this post for the 12th, so I hope I get it done properly. Hope to see you in a few weeks, if not before.
Hello..I'm here with my last August birthday card. (I think!). This image is from an Inky Antics clear set that I used in an earlier post, doing it up in blues. This recipient loves mauve & pinks, so used some different colors of copics. The cardbase is a mauve textured Bazzill. Background border is a strip cut from a paper pack, overlaid with the Memory Box Tessatina Border (from Rusty has the best prices I've found for Memory Box dies, along with fast shipping. Used the Scor buddy for some top & bottom trim, added an gold rub-on strip for some bling. The focal image was diecut with a SB circle, don't remember which size, matted on the matching SB scalloped circle die. I cut out part of the matting background since only the outside part shows. This also trims a little off the weight of the card if you are mailing, and additionally you have a snippet to use on another project. (Thrift tip!). The sentiment was punched on a piece of scrap white c/stock that was on the desk, using a SU punch, sponged with Spun Sugar Distress Ink. The scalloped square mat was punched with a slightly larger SU scallop punch, and sponged with DI Victorian velvet. Thanks for surfing by to visit.

Hello everyone. Sorry I've not been as diligent about posting in the last few days. Had some things going on. Here is a cute image that will be used for a birthday card. I'll give you the supplies, then tell a little personal story about why I chose this particular image for this particular birthday. Stamp is from Stampendous, colored with copics. Used a spica pen for the eyes, and IRL it glitters a bit. Some glitter on the red wagon as well. Diecut with SB Romantic Rectangles, #4. Matted with DCWV paper from a metallic pack, embossed with a Sizzix folder. Don't remember which doesn't really show as the focal image is fairly large. Gives a bit of texture. Cardbase is kraft, scored with Scor buddy. The sentiment is a small stamp from my collection, no markings on it..but it fit the size of space where I wanted it.
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Birthday card from Candee
Class Cards
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1st card |
July 4th

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